How to combine the safety requirements of a Hospital with the maintenance of more than 55 hectares?

Here is the living case of La Musse Hospital, a rehabilitation centre that changed the way facility management was being run with a digital platform. The results - 2000 issues resolved 2 times faster and 50% in productivity gained.

Close to the city of Évreux, La Musse is a rehabilitation hospital with 3 hospital pavilions, student accommodation, training institutes, a sports medicine centre, a chapel and much more in a 55 hectare park.

This place is one of the recognised centres of the foundation “La Renaissance Sanitaire”, its establishments specialising in physical medicine and rehabilitation. As they claim: “The dynamics of the private sector at the service of the public”.

Being up to the requirements of a health centre as well as the maintenance had different problems that needed to be faced and solved efficiently and smoothly.

Some of the problems were:
Poor communication due to many groups of people and service providers.
Lack of visibility about who is doing what.
Little knowledge about actions performed in the absence of data.
Difficulty to track actions of external service providers such as compliance checks.

Check this article :

Healthcare and property management challenges: safety and efficiency
Anne Guigou, an expert on transformations of healthcare organizations, talked about how Healthcare is facing new challenges and how digitalization is a key player.

La Musse needed a digital partner to facilitate the collection, tracking and execution of services and technical jobs. There was a need for a “one-stop-shop” to give everyone the ability to “raise his hand” without needing to use SMS, an email or even a paper note that can easily be lost in 55 hectares. The health centre needed a unified interface for Facility Management, where collaboration and communication could be accessible from the palm of the hand.

And that's what la Musse did. The onboarding was a huge success.

La Musse team members were able to understand and use the platform in less than 30 minutes.
After providing a map of the buildings and the type of services to activate, the platform was configured in less than 1 hour.
Now the team managers have a structured view of the requests from healthcare teams or planned work.
The manager of the hospital can now view at a glance what is happening directly on their phone and make sure the staff has good working conditions.

In 6 months, La Musse closed more than 2500 issues with Urbest with 4.9 stars rating from their users. If you are wondering how - check this video and get convinced how easy it is to do it.

Using the power of collaboration to centralise all the jobs to be done accelerated communication between team members, but also improved working conditions. Jobs get resolved around 2x faster. Staff get rid more easily of daily irritating problems and can focus on care and ultimately have a better control over the quality of work.

How does a collaborative platform actually work?

Job request: Nurses, team members and any employee from the hospital can directly raise requests which will flow to the right person.

Planned work: The Technical team manager can prepare the workload of pre-assigned tasks. For example, quarterly visits of external service providers can be registered and tracked.

Who is collaborating? nurses, FM team, administrative staff, compliance auditors, technical suppliers

Find out more here:

Simplify hospital, clinic or rest home management with Urbest
Solve issues two time faster with Urbest and improve your hospital, clinic or rest home management.

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