Task Management Software

Maximize your productivity and never miss a task again with collaborative task management software.Book a Demo
Project management or task management in daily life requires coordination between teams. Most often, companies use spreadsheets, notebook notes, or to-do lists that quickly show their limitations when it comes to granting access or managing specific notifications. Fortunately, task management applications allow collaboration between team members and their users to track tasks to be completed.

What are the advantages of a ticketing tool?

Ticketing tools provide time savings, requester satisfaction, and reliability in service processes.

All useful context in a ticket

Each request includes the location, service category, requester's name, description, and possibly attachments, which allow the responders to be more precise and effective in meeting the needs.

A collaborative dashboard and real-time view

At any time, users see what concerns them according to their roles and can track the progress or deadlines of tasks to be completed.

Smooth and fast collaborative work between teams

Teams save precious minutes by using Urbest thanks to mobility, quick access to photos, comments, and automated reporting.

A simple interface for users

Companies equipped with Urbest for their task management highlight the simplicity of the software. Thanks to the simplicity of the platform, users get on the app in a few minutes and start working on tasks.

All useful context in a ticket

Each request includes the location, service category, requester's name, description, and possibly attachments, which allow the responders to be more precise and effective in meeting the needs.

A collaborative dashboard and real-time view

At any time, users see what concerns them according to their roles and can track the progress or deadlines of tasks to be completed.

Smooth and fast collaborative work between teams

Teams save precious minutes by using Urbest thanks to mobility, quick access to photos, comments, and automated reporting.

A simple interface for users

Companies equipped with Urbest for their task management highlight the simplicity of the software. Thanks to the simplicity of the platform, users get on the app in a few minutes and start working on tasks.

Get started in less than 30 minutes

Deploying Task Management Software

Deployment modalities are generally done in 2 meetings followed by regular interactions to optimize Urbest according to the organization's usage:

Definition of strategic scope and services

An initial session with the management team to understand the request processing processes. This meeting allows for the definition of a category menu and the identification of agents or companies that will handle the services.

Training of key users

A second training session for the various teams and technical agents.

Communication to users

The third step involves launching communication to users who will make requests.

Continuous improvement

Ongoing support and assistance throughout use with customer engagement tracking.

Task Management Software Case Study

Discover how Urbest users are using it 🚀

Region Normandy
Region Normandy

Maintenance management software for a municipality

La casa
La casa

Maintenance management of coliving


Maintenance management software for a shopping center


How to track tasks?

A good task tracking is divided into several steps:

  • A collection of tasks to be tracked by going to the source of the needs, i.e., the people making the requests
  • A centralization of requests in a dashboard. This ensures that 100% of the tasks to be processed are listed and that there are no others listed elsewhere in an Excel or an email
  • Easy access to information on ongoing tasks. This can be done with status or location tracking. It is also important to be able to quickly consult comments or attachments. In this respect, having personalized notifications is important.
  • Quick access to archives or a search engine to quickly find the information you are interested in
  • By implementing these 4 steps of collection, centralization, action, and consultation of information, you can be super efficient in your task tracking.

    What are the essential criteria for selecting a task management software?

    First, you need to ask yourself if you have a sufficient volume of tasks to make it worthwhile to implement dedicated task management software. For example, with Urbest, we consider that you need at least one new task per day to make it interesting to track task progress with multiple users.Then, you need very simple ergonomics that allow maximum adoption. You should be able to find a few key people and the most frequent tasks to start with a core group of users who can use it frequently.Finally, the ability to be collaborative and scalable is critical for your task management software to evolve along with your organization. Over time, you will want to integrate new people or services, so it is important to anticipate that your software will be able to absorb the new workload.

    How to create a task distribution table?

    The most basic ways to create a task distribution table are to use an Excel spreadsheet, Airtable, or Notion with a column designating the task assignee. These basic methods are not optimal for ensuring progress status updates or personalized notifications.In this case, it is better to have dedicated and contextualized task management software like Urbest, which allows tasks to be classified in a dashboard and especially to have easy interaction with multiple users on progress, comments, and personalized reporting.

    Get started in less than 30 minutes

    Demo includes:

    - Questions and answers

    - Customisation of your first building

    - A free 30 day trial

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