Custom categories
🚀 Start directly with a template from your industry. It's already ready to use!
Start with a template
Customise based on your needs
Create sub-categories
Collect, centralize and work on jobs in buildings between supervisors, workers and end-users. With Urbest you can save time and cut costs.
Switch from broken and fragmented information to fluid job tracking
View at a glance progress and urgent topics. No more lost jobs!
Put jobs in motion faster and get things done.
Leverage all the tools available in Urbest and start managing all your tasks in a seamless way.
🚀 Start directly with a template from your industry. It's already ready to use!
💰 Don't forget any jobs and keep continuity of work even with staff turnover. Assign your suppliers in advance.
⏱️ Save 30-60 minutes per checklist with easy to access photos, comments and call to action
⏱️ Save 15-30 minutes per day by avoiding unneeded callbacks
🔔 Anticipate supplier visits and upcoming work
The Urbest API allows you full customisation to suit your needs regarding third party software or IoT devices.
Analytics and reporting features are designed to assist you in monitoring your facility's performance, identifying patterns and making informed decisions based on data.
Provides detailed analytics to help you optimise your operations.
⏱️ Save 3 hours per month with automated analytics reporting.