Maintenance Management Software (CMMS)

Organize work to track equipment, contracts, planned interventions, and user requests.Book a Demo
As soon as you want to perform maintenance at a professional level for a large site or multiple sites, it becomes necessary to equip yourself with a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS). The goal is to be able to track allmaintenance operations: maintenance requests from people in the buildings as well as to planpreventive interventions on technical equipment or those that require regulatory checks.In the end, maintenance management software allows you to structure the tasks to be followed, save technicians time, facilitate reporting, and ensure that everything that needs to be done is done properly.

What are the advantages of maintenance software?

Maintenance software brings time savings, customer satisfaction, and reliability to service processing.

All useful context in an intervention

Each request in maintenance software like Urbest includes location, service category, requester's name, a description, and possibly attachments, allowing responders to be more precise and efficient in meeting needs.

Planning and management of interventions

Ideally, 2/3 of interventions are planned and regular, leaving 1/3 of corrective requests for building occupants. Maintenance software ensures that no preventive task is forgotten and provides a clear distribution of tasks among building occupants, supervisors, and responders.

History of interventions on equipment

When a new technician arrives at a site, they can spend a lot of time understanding what happened before. Quick access to a history of what has occurred and what is going to happen prevents time loss.

Collaborative work and mobility

A good maintenance management application not only offers a desktop interface but also mobile usage on smartphones. Teams save precious minutes by using Urbest from their phones, with quick access to photos, comments, and automated reports.

Automated activity reports and data production

Thanks to the data produced and automated reports, maintenance management software allows you to know processing times and costs associated with each intervention or service order. The data also allows for fault analysis to anticipate equipment replacements or renew stocks.

All useful context in an intervention

Each request in maintenance software like Urbest includes location, service category, requester's name, a description, and possibly attachments, allowing responders to be more precise and efficient in meeting needs.

Planning and management of interventions

Ideally, 2/3 of interventions are planned and regular, leaving 1/3 of corrective requests for building occupants. Maintenance software ensures that no preventive task is forgotten and provides a clear distribution of tasks among building occupants, supervisors, and responders.

History of interventions on equipment

When a new technician arrives at a site, they can spend a lot of time understanding what happened before. Quick access to a history of what has occurred and what is going to happen prevents time loss.

Collaborative work and mobility

A good maintenance management application not only offers a desktop interface but also mobile usage on smartphones. Teams save precious minutes by using Urbest from their phones, with quick access to photos, comments, and automated reports.

Automated activity reports and data production

Thanks to the data produced and automated reports, maintenance management software allows you to know processing times and costs associated with each intervention or service order. The data also allows for fault analysis to anticipate equipment replacements or renew stocks.

Get started in less than 30 minutes

Deployment of maintenance software

Deployment usually takes place in 2 meetings followed by regular interactions to optimize technical management:

Definition of strategic scope and services

An initial session with the management team to understand the request processing processes. This meeting allows for the definition of a category menu and the identification of agents or companies that will handle the services.

Training of key users

A second training session for the various teams and technical agents.

Communication to users

The third step involves launching communication to users who will make requests.

Continuous improvement

Ongoing support and assistance throughout use with customer engagement tracking.

Practical cases of a maintenance software

Discover how Urbest users use it 🚀

Region Normandy
Region Normandy

Maintenance management software for a municipality

La casa
La casa

Maintenance management of coliving


Maintenance management software for a shopping center


Is the maintenance management software easy to use?

The simplicity of Urbest is what comes up most often in discussions with users. For service requesters, no training is required, and they can use it right away. For a team leader or responder, it takes between 5 and 30 minutes to set up their access and start processing requests. In addition, there are personalized online guides with videos for Urbest administrators who want to maximize platform usage.

Can it integrate with other systems?

Urbest has APIs and can connect to third-party systems. For example, Urbest can connect to asset management databases, helpdesk tools that create tickets, 3D viewers for buildings, energy management tools to track corrective actions, or construction and punch list software that can transfer tasks to the Urbest dashboard.

Does it have reporting features?

Urbest provides real-time reporting of indicators on the number of tasks completed, resolution times, and requester satisfaction. All this information can be filtered by building, category, date, responders, or urgency. Additionally, Excel exports or API queries are available for more statistics, such as the distinction between planned or preventive tasks, time spent per intervention, cost per task, or the person who evaluated the service. Finally, a bi-monthly email report is sent to remind of important actions to follow and upcoming tasks so that a site manager or technician does not forget anything.

Get started in less than 30 minutes

Demo includes:

- Questions and answers

- Customisation of your first building

- A free 30 day trial

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